Training Partners
Patrick & Henry Community College
Patrick & Henry Community College (P&HCC) is one of 23 community colleges in Virginia. In addition to post-secondary education, P&HCC为帕特里克的高中生提供双入学和职业/技术教育, Henry, and Franklin Counties, as well as the city of Martinsville. The Center for Digital Education ranked P&HCC是全国十大最精通技术的社区学院之一. Most importantly, 行业或相关的第三方证书嵌入在所有学术课程的课程中,作为提高毕业生就业准备的一种手段.
Flagship Manufacturing Programs at P&HCC:
Certified Production Technician Program
这个项目符合国家认可的证书, 制造技能标准委员会(MSSC)标准, 提高生产工作的核心知识和技能, from entry to front-line supervisory level. Program covers 4 modules: Safety Awareness; Quality Practices and Measurement; Manufacturing Processes and Production; Maintenance Awareness focuses on preventive maintenance, indicators for correct operation, and issue recognition related to Electrical, Pneumatic, Lubrication, Automation, Hydraulic, Couplings.
General Engineering Technologies
学生在各种工程环境(如工业)中培养理论应用和实践经验的技能, manufacturing, and commercial. 毕业生将有资格从事工程师助理等工作, supervisor trainee, manufacturing specialist, quality assurance auditor, CAD technician, maintenance lead person, team leader, and computer controlled process technician.
Industrial Electronic Technology
该计划提供高技能的工业技术人员. Training covers Sensors and Transducers, Automated Controls, 可编程逻辑控制器(plc)电机控制电路, AC/DC Motor Drives, Pneumatics, Microprocessors and Computer Programming, Computer Hardware and Software Applications, Instrumentation, Electronic Data Communication, 系统故障排除和预防性维护.
Industrial Welding Certificate
学生能够熟练运用当前的专业技术工具, and take the American Welding Society D1.1 Structural Welding Code Certification Test.
Motorsports Program
The Racing College of Virginia, housed at Patrick & Henry Community College, 提供符合纳斯卡标准和其他与汽车相关的制造和维修职业的专业培训. 这个项目的名声吸引了全国的学生. 学生通过获得赛车发动机技术的大学证书获得证书, Motorsports Fabrication and Set Up Technology, and Motorsports Management. They learn the basics in addition to machining, welding, engineering, 以及如何操作数据采集系统和软件来设计赛车的关键部件. In fact, they build cars from the ground up, applying advanced manufacturing skills, 和他们的车一起参加爱国者车队的比赛, with students serving on the pit crew. 所有教师都有真实的赛车经验, 从专业卡丁车比赛到斯普林特杯系列赛. NASCAR, HT Motorsports, Arrington Manufacturing, Roush Racing, Toyota, 哈维克赛车和许多其他当地公司和制造车间雇用该计划的毕业生.
Motorsports Engine Technology
Motorsports Fabrication and Set Up Technology
具备赛车部件安装和维修的基本技能, including proficiency in structural alignment, vehicle set up for prescribed environments, and adjustment to track conditions.
Motorsports Management
Industrial Controls
具备电气控制系统安装和维修的基本技能, including proficiency in electrical codes, OSHA criteria, programming system controllers, and system troubleshooting.
Industrial Maintenance Electronics
维护和修理现代化生产设备所需的技能和知识. 毕业生熟练掌握电气规范,OSHA标准和系统故障排除.
Fundamental skills and knowledge in metal trades. 毕业生熟练掌握氧乙炔工艺,电弧和MIG焊接工艺.
New College Institute
新学院学院(NCI)是国家资助的高等教育中心. 最近的公立大学距离马丁斯维尔有2个多小时的路程. NCI成立于2006年,旨在为马丁斯维尔-亨利县提供4年制大学教育. Today, NCI继续与大学合作,为该地区带来高需求的学士和硕士学位,以及其他高需求的培训机会. NCI的主楼是位于费耶特街的鲍德温大厦,价值1500万美元,占地52000平方米. ft. 这座大楼位于马丁斯维尔上城区的中心地带,并配备了先进的设备, lecture halls, classroom spaces available to the community.
Colleges & Universities
Longwood University: Bachelor's in Elementary Education; Bachelor's in Early Childhood Education
Radford University: M.S. in Strategic Communications
Bluefield University: M.A. in Counseling
Virginia Tech: 教育与领导政策研究博士学位
Workforce Training and Career Advancement
- Fiber Optic Technician Training
- Offshore and Onshore Wind Industry Certifications
- Skilled Trades Training
- Cyber Security Training for Localities
- Pearson Vue和大学水平考试项目测试服务
- 美国联邦航空管理局娱乐性无人机安全测试